Heart Forgiveness Workshop

Forgiveness is for ourselves.
Anger causes fear, guilt, and disease. 

We KNOW forgiveness is important for our well-being  on all levels. 
We tend to forgive from the head.
Move your forgiveness into the heart, with a gentle process that is truly EFFECTIVE and LASTING.

Forgive yourself and others.
MASTER responding creatively to life’s challenges by living “Unoffendable.”

FREE yourself to experience the JOY of a light Heart. 


Call Linn to become involved with her next Heart Forgiveness Workshop

Tuition: $90 all four sessions + $35 materials
Materials: Personal Progress Journal and 2 CD set

Re~experience Heart Forgiveness (deepens each time) for $75

To Register, contact Linn Sennott    

To Contact Linn about your interest in an upcoming class:

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