Mission of Wellness


Linn Sennot as a youth and today

Be as radiant now as when you were a child.

As to methods there are a million, and more . . .
Principles are few.
When you have the principles,
you can use any method with success.
To use methods without principles
is not successful.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

How is your Energy Life ?

Universal Life Energy moves around us, in us, through us, AS us. The Ancient Greeks called this Pneuma, the Hindus Prana, the Chinese Chi. Life Energy is intelligent and knowing.

Life Energy is available for us to live every moment fully functional and freely expressive.

When we were children, we experienced our own unique Perfect Moments, moments when we felt joyful, complete, and connected to everything. We have Perfect Moments right now in our busy lives. When you recall a Perfect Moment, you energy measure strong for the statement: I am 100% healthy, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You are in contact with your Pure Core, the center of pure health we each have inside, regardless of outward conditions.

Core Health

works from the inside out (rather than outside in) ⎯expanding our healthy core and clearing the clouds of confusion in our energy. On the Core Health Journey, you rediscover your innate Pure Core and remove the clouds, while keeping the positive knowings you have as an adult. This process is gentle, thorough, fast, and lasting. There is no need to tell your story.

Core Health I (5 sessions) creates a solid self, including making your mind your Magnificent Tool rather than your terrible master. Core Health II (7 sessions) frees all relationship dynamics to be naturally healthy, including family, cultural, DNA, and karmic patterns.

Symptoms of various conditions are like a vine with brown leaves, wilted flowers, and dried-up fruits. When we purify the deepest causes (the root) and redirect our energy positively, many symptoms disappear on their own, including fear of death and subconscious anger. The leaves become a shiny green, the flowers bloom, the vine bears fruit abundantly.

Individual sessions are $55. Materials fee: $40 includes 3 CD set and Personal Progress Journal. Groups may be organized. Modest supplement for distance travel.

Heart Forgiveness

Free yourself of all angers and hurts, even those of long-standing. Forgiving does not mean that the behavior was OK or that you need to “understand.” Forgiveness is for yourself, freeing your personal energy. Special issues around forgiveness are addressed with delicacy and mindfulness. No matter what and for how long, you CAN let go of the burden and be FREE to participate 100% in life. You also free yourself from the habit of self-criticism and learn to live Unoffendable. Then you can decide, out of the fullness of your energy, how to deal with all situations you meet in life.

The four sessions of Heart Forgiveness are $220 + $35 for materials: 2 CD set and Personal Progress Journal. Groups may be organized. Modest supplement for distance travel.

Are You Funny with Money ?

deals with money as a Symbol for the Richness of All Life. Do you have money issues and wish for more prosperity and abundance? In this fun 3 session series, you free yourself of your deepest issues around money and self-worth, clear your energy around receiving and giving, and step into the flowing River of Life.

The three sessions are $165 + $35 for materials: 2 CD set and Personal Progress Journal. Groups may be organized. Modest supplement for distance travel. 

Core Creativity

was created by Linn in 2011, with the assistance of Dr. Ed. Creativity is an expression of Cosmic Oneness through our individuality. Creative Expressions are as unique as our fingerprints and our DNA. In this amazing 6 session series, you experience, evoke, and express your inborn core of creativity. Core Creativity is offered once each year as a weekend re~treat (and may be offered additional times).

The origin of “create” relates to the growth of grain. The six sessions are organized around the powerful metaphor of sowing and harvesting:

Session 1: Prepare your inner terrain, becoming receptive and resonate.

Session 2: Plow your terrain, turning over the soil to reveal rich loam, an attitude of play and willingness to experiment.

Session 3: Plant your seeds into your fertile, softened soil, clearing your energy so you co-create with Universal Energy.

Session 4: Water and fertilize your growing plants as you surrender to the creative process, becoming comfortable with paradox and fluidity.

Session 5: Tend your growing plants, which includes commitment, resiliency, and confidence.

During the subsequent 4 weeks, you develop your Creative Expression, with the encouragement and stimulus of your “Participant Partner.” Our expressions are shared in Session 6, Harvest, in a festive and sacred offering.

Core Creativity is best experienced in a group setting. See button at top for information on this October’s re~treat. Groups may be organized.

Heart Energy Yoga !

blends the forgiving and releasing processes of Heart Forgiveness and the physical movements of yoga. Heart Energy Yoga! integrates your chakras (7 major energy centers) through your Heart Center, thus returning yoga to its spiritual roots. In the four sessions, you experience specially selected yoga postures together with yoga nidras that release and free your energy. After a HEY! session, you emerge strengthened, stretched, energized, and  inwardly serene.  HEY! is suitable for all students, including those new to yoga and those advanced.

Each private session of HEY! is $35.  Groups may be organized. Modest supplement for travel. Upon graduation, the HEY! book is my gift to you. HEY! may also be experienced as continuing yoga.

Linn is training yoga teachers to bring HEY! to their students. There are now seven HEY! teachers. Contact her as interested.



About Linn Sennott:

My career as a university professor of mathematics spanned thirty years. In that time I published 30 papers as well as an advanced book with John Wiley & Sons. Other interests include poetry, art, personal growth, and gardening.

When I retired, I became a yoga teacher and innovated by adding light hand weights, exercise bands, and exercise balls to my classes. I have an advanced 500-hour yoga certification, with an emphasis on yoga therapy. I am an experienced workshop leader, leading groups in Yoga Nidra, Heart Forgiveness, Core Health, Core Creativity, and Heart Energy Yoga.

I am thrilled to be a Core Health Facilitator. I bring my teaching skills and my heart-centered compassion and joy to my facilitating. My Core Health outreach is growing and I live each day as a new adventure in assisting others. This stimulates my continuing personal growth.

I look forward to assisting you in expanding your Pure Core to live your life 100% joyously, abundantly, powerfully, and creatively.

Contact Linn. Email   or call 727-599-5819.

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